Signs That Your Child Has Myopia

Myopia typically starts to develop in childhood, often between the ages of 6 and 14. It's more commonly found in children who have at least one parent with myopia, suggesting a genetic link. Children might not realize or communicate their visual difficulties, making it challenging for parents to detect any vision problems. 



Common Signs Your Child Has Myopia


First, frequent squinting is a common sign of myopia. Your child may squint to see distant objects more clearly. 


Secondly, sitting too close to the television or holding books and devices too close to their face is a sign that they might be struggling to see clearly.


Another sign is difficulty seeing the board at school or other distant objects. Your child might complain about not being able to see things that are far away or they might have trouble reading signs or recognizing familiar faces from a distance. 


Additionally, frequent headaches or eye strain can also be a sign of myopia. This can happen because your child is overworking their eyes to focus on distant objects.



The Importance of Early Detection of Myopia


The early detection of myopia in children is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, untreated myopia can affect a child's academic performance and social development. Children with myopia might struggle in school because they can't see the board clearly. They might also avoid participating in sports or other activities that require good distance vision.


Early detection also allows for timely treatment, which can slow down the progression of myopia. High levels of myopia can increase the risk of eye conditions. Early treatment can prevent the progression to high myopia, reducing the risk of further conditions.


Additionally, regular eye exams can help detect other vision problems that might coexist with myopia. For instance, children with myopia might also have astigmatism, which can further affect their vision.



Treatment Options for Myopia in Children


The good news is that there are several treatment options available to manage myopia in children. The most common treatment is prescription glasses or contact lenses. These corrective lenses allow light to focus directly on the retina, improving distance vision.


In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in myopia control strategies aimed at slowing down the progression of myopia. These include orthokeratology (Ortho-K), atropine eye drops, and multifocal lenses. Ortho-K involves wearing specially designed contact lenses overnight to reshape the cornea temporarily. 


Multifocal lenses, either in glasses or contact lenses, have different powers across the lens to improve vision at various distances.


It's important to consult with an eye doctor to determine the best treatment option for your child. The choice of treatment will depend on your child's age, the severity of myopia, and their lifestyle.



Ensure Your Child's Vision Remains Clear and Healthy


If you notice any signs your child has myopia, it's important to consult an eye doctor as soon as possible. Regular eye check-ups are also essential, even if no symptoms are evident. Early detection and treatment can help manage the condition and prevent further deterioration of vision.


If your child is showing signs of myopia, consider scheduling a comprehensive eye exam at Broad View Eye Center in our Berea, Broadview Heights, or Strongsville, Ohio offices. Call (440) 526-7070 or (440) 238-7865 to book your child’s appointment today.